Lock Display
The Lock display is used to log into KeepItSafe and manage your KeepItSafe files. It is what is seen first when launching KeepItSafe for the very first time. By default, KeepItSafe will attempt to open the last viewed file.
NOTE: there are some first time setup tasks when opening KeepItSafe for the very first time. Click here for Help on these tasks.
The name of the current data file is displayed at the top of the display. This is particularly handy if you have multiple KeepItSafe files. The display lets you know which one is currently active.
To begin, type in the Master Password for this KeepItSafe file. This will take you to the Entry display where you can view, add, change or delete Entries.
There are three options on this display: Manage, Help and About.
The Manage option is in the lower left corner of the Lock display. The ability to create new KeepItSafe files or manage existing ones through the Manage Files display is available when this is selected.
The Help option is in the lower center of the Lock display. The list of Help topics is displayed when this is selected.
The About option is in the lower right corner of the Lock display. An overview of KeepItSafe is displayed when this is selected.