
KeepItSafe is a safe and secure way to store all of your user IDs and passwords, as well as other sensitive information, in a single application. KeepItSafe uses industry-standard advanced encryption techniques to ensure that no one can access your data without your Master Password.

 Originally designed as a password management tool for user IDs, KeepItSafe can also be used to store data for things like backup/recovery keys, network/router/WiFi information, email account information, license keys, etc. Each KeepItSafe Entry has a notes field that can be used to store anything you want!

 Originally designed as a password management tool for user IDs, KeepItSafe can also be used to store data for things like backup/recovery keys, network/router/WiFi information, email account information, license keys, etc. Each KeepItSafe Entry has a notes field that can be used to store anything you want!

Your data file is stored in one of two locations – either locally on a single device (Mac, iPad or iPhone) or safely in the Cloud where information can be shared between all of your devices that have KeepItSafe installed. KeepItSafeautomatically syncs changes for Cloud-based data files.

Other great features of KeepItSafe include:

Password Generator

KeepItSafe has an optional password “Generate” function that creates new simple or complex passwords. Simple passwords use random words and numbers. Complex passwords use completely random characters (letters, numbers, and symbols).

Ability to Sort and Filter Entries, Mark as ‘Inactive’ Without Deleting

KeepItSafe has a sort/filter function that allows you to sort entries by name, change date or user ID. Inactive entries are hidden from the default display but can be accessed by the active/inactive filter.

Ability to Create Multiple Data Files

KeepItSafe supports multiple data files, each file requiring a different Master Password. For example, each person who uses your device could have their own private data file. Or, you could have one data file for your personal needs and another for your work-related needs. In fact, you can have as many data files as you want! Switching between files is simple and easy.

File Management Functionality

KeepItSafe has file management functionality to add, rename, delete, or export files or to import data.